Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Vampire Diaries & Nikita

Recap of my Thursday night block:

Vampire Diaries
Quick recap of Vampire Diaries .... is not possible since it's so juicy. However, all you really need to know is that there are two hot vampire brothers both in love with the same human girl, who happens to look like their psychotic vampire ex-girlfriend who goes around killing people. Throw in some teenage drama, witches, werewolves, a council of humans trying to kill vampires, and lots of mythology about a moonstone and curses and you've got a riveting show.
This episode was about the brothers hatching a plan to kill the evil ex Katherine at a masquerade ball while Katherine does her best to hatch a yet-to-be-explained nefarious plot revolving around getting her hands on a moonstone and a werewolf. Not only did everyone look gorgeous, there was so many OMG moments: the discovery of another witch, a plot to turn someone into a werewolf, and a good number of ancillary characters getting killed. Not to be spoiler-ish but in the end, even though the bros fittingly vanquish Katherine by trapping her in a tomb that she was supposed to be stuck in 100+ years ago, a whole new wrench is thrown into the plot. Elena gets kidnapped by some mysterious masked villain!? Who are these people?! Why did they take Elena? What did Katherine mean when she said that Elena is the doppleganger and must be protected!?! So many questions. So excited.

This episode was fairly Alex heavy and revolved around her life and friendships inside Division. As soon as we met her two never-before-seen teammates in the beginning, I thought one of them would be a goner. One is a failure of a recruit who ends up being set-up for a suicide mission and the other is a star pupil who's been doing well to earn his chance of getting out of there ... only to end up a guard stuck at Division. I give this show props for surprising me and letting both characters live, especially when Robbie ends up having a psychotic breakdown and initiates a massacre inside Division. In the end, he ends up being recruited to be a cleaner. I hope they come back to this storyline considering that Alex betrayed Robbie in the end and the only cleaner we've seen so far is that really creepy glasses dude. I'm also totally looking forward to this week as the Alex/Thom relationship grows. Thom seems like a sweet person clearly smitten with Alex, and I felt so bad for him since even though it really seems like Alex has feelings for him, she clearly doesn't mind using him to further her revenge.

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