Friday, November 5, 2010

TV shows to watch

I am extremely behind in updating about shows, and quite frankly, at this point, it's not worth putting up a recap on an episode that aired 2-3weeks ago. So instead, I'm dedicating this post to a list of tv shows that people should watch and the reasons why. Some shows are already popular, some aren't, it's just a list of shows I think are quality and worth watching to get another season in (in the midst of cancellation season...RIP Undercovers).

Chuck: I've said it before, and I'll say it again, more people need to watch this show to ensure that it continues for several more seasons. Every season finale there's an amazing twist that sets the tone for the next season (regardless of whether or not another season is imminent), and it perfectly balances comedy, action, and drama. And it had an Alias reference in it's last episode!

Castle: Not in any big danger of being cancelled next season, it's just a fun, comedy mystery show to watch, not for the "clever" mysteries, but for the interaction between all the characters. I know Nathan Fillion is technically the star, but this is more of an ensemble show.

(Glee is being left out because it's already a ginormous hit, and everyone and their mothers know about it)
The Good Wife: An amazing series set in Chicago (bonus point!) that earned Julianna Margulies an Emmy nomination, it's compelling drama with no clear cut "bad guy," which just makes it that much more realistic. I usually look to tv to escape reality, but I make an exception for this show.

Parenthood: A small show that doesn't quite have the numbers yet, but it's an endearing family drama that (unfortunately) airs at the same time as The Good Wife. Luckily, you can find it on Hulu. It takes a few episodes to get into it, but you start to care about the characters once you see their quirks.

Modern Family: Emmy winning hilarity. The half hour, comedic version of Parenthood. Not much needed to be said about it, I think everyone knows about this show.

Cougar Town: Stay tuned after Modern Family! This week's episode was absolutely hilarious, especially the last 20sec, and it's episodes like this one that just makes me love the series. Consistent running jokes, pop culture references, and mean but lovable characters, it's crazy hijinks every week.

Nikita: Just got picked up for a full season, this show is not up to its full potential. But at least its got plenty of potential to fill, which is all the more reason to watch this show and get it renewed for a few more seasons. Nothing like secret government divisions to give us twists and turns at the end of almost every episode.

Burn Notice: On USA, this series comes back next week, and if you want hot action (both literally and figuratively, as the series takes place in Miami), tune into this USA gold mine. I'm not sure if any of it is true, but the voice over alone that give us a glimpse into spy tricks of the trade make this series fun to watch, but add an alcohol loving Bruce Campbell, and it's hard for this series to do any wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I totally do enjoy The Good Wife. So juicy and morally ambiguous.
