Sunday, October 3, 2010

Modern Family, Season 2 Episode 2

I was going to write a recap of the episode but then I discovered EW has pretty much monopolized all of the funny lines in the episode so I'll just include a link. (BTW, thank you EW for recapping 90% of all my favorite shows. Vampire Diaries? Check. Nikita? 30 Rock? Supernatural? Check, check, and check. I need to devote another hour just so I can read all the recaps).
Instead, I'll comment on the much-hyped kiss. Not only did I think the way they worked it into the storyline was cute and appropriate to all the characters and their relationships with each other. (Hello!? It completely makes sense that Mitchell is affection-phobic. Jay is his dad after all.) But I also loved the subtle de-emphasis of when Cam and Mitchell finally kiss (especially after all the media hoopla). I like that you just see it in the background as Jay goes to bestow a fatherly kiss on Claire. I love the fact that they didn't make it a visual centerpiece. Instead, I thought it really made it a statement as something that happens naturally in this loving relationship between two people, and we as voyeurs have just caught them kissing at the right moment, a chance of timing rather than anything else.
I know this dude from didn't agree but whatever. To each their own.


1 comment:

  1. okay, so clearly i don't keep up with or whatnot, but i had no idea there was any hoopla about a kiss...and thus, i wasn't looking for it...and i totally missed it! i didn't realize that they kissed in the background. SEE, this is why i need these recaps!

    in other news, i love modern family. i loved the whole little girl reciting notting hill. and the dad slapping the chicken. hahaha. i'll learn their names eventually, i'm sure.
