Friday, October 1, 2010

Cougar Town, Season 2 Episode 2

For a comedy, this episode was quite the tear jerker. But only for the last 2 minutes, so for those who don't like to cry, don't worry, the first 28 minutes of the episode is comedy awesome-ness.

This episode features all the ways a parent should not spend their last few days with his/her kid before he/she goes off to college. Creepy shriveled piece of umbilical cord? Check. Weird motorcycle ploy to ensure a tight hug? Check. Having an epic fight before son goes to college? Check. Poignant goodbye with a meaningful look? Check...wait, what? That last one was actually sort of normal...

Tune in for a much better episode than last week, and keep a sharp ear out for great one liners. White trash comedy has never been so cleverly funny.

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