Sunday, October 3, 2010

30 Rock, Season 5 Episode 2

One thing that will always be true about Jack Donaghy...
Jack + video camera = me fall out of a chair laughing.

See this amazingness. Still cracks me up every time. Every. Time.
I hope NBC doesn't find it and take it down 'cause it's hilarious.
I also think the Spanish subtitles makes it even more random, and thus better.

Jack giving advice to his child in this episode is almost (not quite) as good:

"After I'm gone, your mother may meet someone else. I want her to be happy so .... his death must appear to be accidental."

"The secret to a strong healthy head of hair is dove ... blood."

"As you go through life, I will always be here for you through these tapes. Also I have given a great deal of money to the Catholic church and I have been assured I will have certain powers in heaven ... sending messages through animals, for instance."

"In the unlikely event that you encounter something that is not covered here, find a woman named Elizabeth Lemon, get her advise ... and then do the opposite."

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