Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Glee, Season 2 Episode 2 "Britney/Brittany"

It's Britney, bitch!

Damn my call schedule that has me working on my birthday next week. AND ON THE BIGGEST GLEE EPISODE EVER. No worries, I watched Glee the moment I got home today. And here's what I missed...on GLEE:

Overall - there really was barely any story this week, huh? I liked the Lady Gaga episode because it advanced the story and had great songs. This on the other hand, just felt like a bunch of Britney songs that were forced into the episode. It didn't quite flow. I was quite disturbed by that Jacob dude's faux (or real?) orgasm during the group's homecoming number. And disturbed that Mr. Schue was performing Toxic with the kids. Can we say inappropriate??

On to the music!

I'm a Slave 4U - So totally cool to see Brittany recreate all the iconic Britney looks. But even though Heather Morris has a pretty decent singing voice, the song felt blah to me. Maybe Glee should go back and visit Lady Gaga and "theatricality!"

Me Against the Music - given the whole Madonna/Britney MTV kiss, this seemed like a subtle little wink to Brittany and Santana's "friendship." Holy cow, Brittany is an awesome dancer. Better than Ms. Spears herself? I think yes - see why in the video below:

Yup, that would be our dear Heather Morris herself putting a ring on it right alongside Beyonce herself! No wonder Kurt knew how to do that dance so well!

Anyways, I digress...

Hit Me Baby One More Time - I thought this was possibly the weakest song. I love the Britney song, so why didn't I love it when Lea Michele sang it? Maybe I was distracted by her obvious lack of dance ability. Or because - as Amy pointed out - she scrunches up her eyes and face for high notes...and let's face it. Britney Spears is not hard to sing. Thus, it does not require effort and scrunching of faces. This is not Broadway Ms. Lea. Please control your face a little better.

Stronger - I actually really liked it! It fit continuity wise, with Artie trying to impress Tina. Maybe I just have a thing for football teams dancing choreography, but I enjoyed it.

Toxic - I really enjoyed this. I just wish Mr. Schue weren't performing with them, because it felt dirty to have a teacher performing a raunchy song with his students. But I love the choreo, loved the way they split up the solos, loved the outfits. But then again, this is my favorite Britney song, so how could they possibly mess it up?

The Only Exception - another song for Ms. Lea, another song where she scrunches up her face. But I must say, I love the song. And how cute, The Only Exception was the only non-Britney song performed. Get it? It was the only exception to all the Britney songs. Ha, Glee - how clever.

All in all, good tribute.

Next time on Glee: I have no idea, since Hulu doesn't show previews for next week. You guys will have to fill me in. On a side note, I cannot wait for the inevitable Mr. Schue vs Carl showdown, cause we ALL know that Uncle Jessie is awesome at singing, dancing, and rocking a mullet.


  1. we have such different opinions about this episode =P I liked I'm a Slave 4 U just for the dancing. I've never been a huge fan of Britney, so most of the songs w/Brittany I just enjoyed for the choreography. I actually liked this version of Toxic better because of Matthew Morrison (ignoring the whole dancing teacher thing).

    And apparently next week's ep is gonna be an emotional one w/Kurt and his dad...

  2. I also think the episode felt too much like it was written around the songs instead of using the songs for the storyline (but I didn't mind that much because Heather Morris is fierce). Side note, aren't you now obsessed with the face-scrunching-ness?! I don't mind it in the power-ballads but if Britney can sing it, Lea definitely does not need her Broadway face for it.
