Saturday, September 25, 2010

Supernatural, Season 6 Episode 1, Season Premiere

For people who have not been watching this underrated but cult-beloved show, here's a quick summation of the set-up: Hot brothers, named Sam and Dean, saves the world a bunch of times from monsters (including but not limited to vampires and werewolves). Last season, they prevented Armageddon and defeated Satan (!!!) but one of them, Sam (who incidentally played a guy named Dean on Gilmore Girls. Weird, I know.) had to get trapped in hell to do it.

However, (since they got renewed for a sixth season) it's a whole new season, a whole new day. So, the bros are back and alive (how Sam got back from a literal hellhole will most likely be the biggie mystery of the season.) and Sam's been hunting super-creeps with grandpa (hello former X-files dude!) but now Dean is playing soccer mom in suburbia.

The premiere was a good (not great) episode that sets things up for the season. I think if you give it a change I know you'll be drawn in just like me. Not only are the leads great eye-candy, funny, and have fantastic bromance chemistry, the story line is engaging and action-packed.


  1. I must watch the season premiere! I wasn't a fan of the end of the 5th season, and as someone who doesn't like scary things, I usually watch for the funny lines and brotherly banter. I've got my fingers crossed that this season is better than last...

  2. Yay! I'm glad you watch, Lisa. =) You're the only other person I know who does. Anyways, I agree about the season finale, it was an appropriate ending but too bloody and sad. I really watch most of time for the hotness and funniness.

  3. Haha yah, I was surprised to see your review on it. I just watched it and totally agree, it was good, not great. Didn't really like the revisit of the old baddie, and I hope they don't go overboard w moody Dean. But those boys sure are hot...
