Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hawaii Five-O, Season 1 Episode 2

I am on a roll! My third, and final, Monday night series is a new one: Hawaii Five-O.

First, a disclaimer: I never saw the original, so all judgments will be made based off the series as an original.

Now, since I failed to post about the series premiere, let me just say that I knew I'd be mildly annoyed by the series when the lead character gets a "blanket immunity" from the governer. I don't expect my tv shows to be based THAT much in realism (hey, I watch Supernatural and Chuck), but if you're trying to go for realism, then something as stupid as "blanket immunity" before even really getting to know a person is just dumb. Even for someone who got elected as Mayor of Hawaii.

Fast forward to episode 2, and yes, Alex O'Loughlin still is annoying as the main character. I don't blame him as an actor (he is quite pretty), but more the way the writers portray him. He seems like a reckless, half-cocked character, that is able to explain his actions with ridiculous things like "nothing but the threat of death" would work on a suspect (to justify him dangling the guy off a roof). I think they were going for a badass Jack Bauer type (I don't watch 24, but I'm pretty sure it's an accurate statement), but what they get is an annoying person who thinks he's above the rules. Much more likeable is Scott Caan's character, Danny. He's divorced, has a kid, and is also sarcastically snarky. Sensitive w/a little bite, a perfect combination. Daniel Dae Kim (of Lost fame) and Grace Park (of Battlestar Galactica fame) also co-star in this series, though definitely more in the supporting character role.

In this episode, the plot is not unique, with a tech genius who discovers a weakness in the government's database, is going to show it to the government (he's a patriot), but is kidnapped. Conveniently, he has a son who also stands a good chance of being kidnapped too. There are Serbs, there's money, there's roof dangling, and there's Max from Gilmore Girls, and young Sam from Supernatural. So really, not too bad of an episode given the familiar faces, but please refer to above paragraph regarding my overall grievances with the episode.

I'll probably keep watching it, since Scott Caan is pretty funny, plus maybe after a few episodes, the characters will fall into place, and things will flow easier ::Fingers crossed::

1 comment:

  1. As much Hawaii loyalty as I have, I have to agree with you. I'll keep watching but it could be better. Alex = annoying. Scott = funny.
