Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Castle, Season 3 Episode 2

Monday's are a good day for me. I get my Chuck AND my Castle. Two shows heavy on the comedy and wit, with a little bit of action and/or mystery thrown in.

For those who have never seen it, Castle is a series that follows an author (Rick Castle, played by one Mr. Nathan Fillion) who shadows/helps detectives as a means of finding creative fodder for his writing. The premise seems odd, but once you've gotten over the contrived situation, it's really very entertaining. I've heard it be compared to Murder, She Wrote, but since I never watched it, I can't guarantee the comparison. And really, the series does a good job summarizing the situation in its 30 second opening blurb before every episode.

In this week's episode, the crime fighting team finds itself investigating the murder of a psychic. Now, personally, I never like any episodes that deal with psychics, mainly because unless the show is House and firmly rooted in cynicism, you can always bet that there are some parts left unknown, to add to the mystery that is the "other realm." This prejudice aside, it's a solid, standard Castle episode, with camaraderie between the cast (Esposito and Ryan have a true bromance without the gay overtones always seen Scrubs), and barbs being exchanged between Castle and Beckett. Not prominently featured in this episode is Alexis, Castle's daughter, and the most mature person out of the Castle family. For once, a teenager who isn't super annoying on tv. Miracle!

In case you haven't noticed, I tend to like the lighter tv series, so that fact alone should suggest that this show would be entertaining. Watch it, not for the mystery of the week (which thankfully is only one a week, no overarching, long term storyline that makes it difficult to follow), but for the hilarity of Nathan Fillion/Rick Castle.

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