Saturday, September 25, 2010

Cougar Town, Season 2 Episode 1, Series Premiere

Appropriately following the post about Modern Family, Cougar Town is the hidden gem and the ignored little sister of ABC Wednesdays. There was all this hullabaloo about the name and possibly changing it because it no longer reflects the point of the show, but really, who cares about the name when you have such a great cast? Plus, the opening credits mockingly says "(Still) Cougar Town," and how can you not love self deprecating humor?

It's over the top, completely unrealistic, and incredibly AWESOME!

...Just don't judge it by this season premiere. Jennifer Aniston guest stars, and while I love America's sweetheart (I'm totally team Aniston in the divorce), she was an awkward presence in a show that depends so much on how the cast gets along with each other. That storyline aside, everything else really shine. I love the battle of the all nighter between Travis and Laurie, Andy's "lunches" with Jules, and surprisingly sweet ending between Grayson and Bobby. And Grayson's new game is gonna be the next big thing since 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon.

Stay tuned after Modern Family to catch this quirky new series, you won't be disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. I saw this (again, instead of studying) - and I gotta agree - Jennifer Aniston was kinda just meh in the role. I do love the relationships (and the grayson-ships) on the show. I'm picking this up - since I never really saw that many episodes last year, so hopefully it's going to be awesome!
