Sunday, September 26, 2010

30 Rock, Season 5 Episode 1, Season Premiere

Since we seem to be on a comedy roll, I'll recap 30 Rock too. The premiere picks up with the entire TGS cast coming back from break. The best part of the premiere was the relationship maneuverings of Liz and Jack with their respective significant others. This show is definitely worth watching if only for Matt Damon do funny. It's hilarious!!
Since I can't do justice to the pure genius of Liz Lemon trying to eat breakfast while holding hands with a crying Matt Damon, here's some of the best lines:

Jack, describing Jenna’s new producer credit on the TGS show, to Liz Lemon: “Oh it’s just a vanity credit, Lemon. A low cost way to make someone feel more important, like executive producer Ashton Kutcher or secretary of state Hilary Clinton.”

Liz, on her relationship: “I don’t like my life stuff mixing with my dude stuff.”
Jack, in response: “A middle aged woman saying dude stuff … is that on my sadness scavenger hunt? Why, yes it is.”

Liz on her ideal relationship: “I’m like that woman on the food network whose husband only comes home on the weekends and she spends the rest of her time eating and drinking with her gay friends.”

1 comment:

  1. Matt Damon was hilarious! I love this show for the one liners alone. Plus I'm getting to point where I'm starting to empathize w Liz Lemon and her romantic disasters. Noooooo!
