Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week in Recap 10/10/10-10/16/10

Following in the trend of Lisa's recaps since tv = too many episodes to watch and time = short, here's a blurb about the shows I've watched this week:

How I Met Your Mother: 
This week was all about the gang competing to show how much of a new yorker they each are. Things I thought were hilarious (in no particular order):
1. Barney hailing an ambulance to beat everyone in the race.
2. Maury. 'Nuff Said.
3. Lily understanding conductor speak. 
What the hell do those conductors talk into to distort their voice so much?!?!

Hawaii 5-0: 
To be honest, I completely zoned out into my computer the entire episode. I just remember some people getting arrested in the end .... I think. For some reason, this show is really not doing it for me. I blame McGarrett... and the story lines... and the lack of real drama. 

Modern Family: 
Main plotlines of this episode were ...
1. The "Strangers on a Train" plot between Mitchell and Claire was cute but the best was ...
2. Alex and her attempt to be a mean girl. 
Phone conversation with Mackenzie hilarious. "Love you .... AHH!! AHH!! AHH!!!"
But so sad for her at the end. I relate, Alex! I relate!
3. The "mistaken father-daughter/engagement party dance" was just disturbing.

Hellcats: (Yes, I actually watch this show) 
Cute filler episode where the cheerleaders get challenged to flag-football by the volleyball players and they kick the volleyball player's ass! That game set-up was way hard-core with coaches, scoreboards, and matching team ensembles. Only on a TV show, right?

Vampire Diaries & Nikita: (Not on this week.)
I miss you.

30 Rock:
Liiiiivvvveeee from New York. It's 30 Rocccckkkkkkkkk!
Watched both the East Coast and the West Coast versions and I have to say the East Coast version was funnier, not sure if it's because I saw it first or because I noticed more mistakes in the West Coast version. This episode revolved around how everyone forgot Liz's 40th birthday. 
The guest stars were all awesome and there were so many of them. Good deal.

Directed by Dean aka Jensen Ackles, this was a hilarious exploration of Bobby's life. Though the boys were only in a small part of the episode, I didn't really miss them because all the secondary characters really shined. So many good things to say: 
Loved the soundtrack. 
Loved all the "Balls!" ;-p 
Loved Bobby telling that dude to call the FBI ... and then that guy called Bobby on his fake FBI line (seriously, how is that moron not dead?!) 
Loved the Sheriff-Bobby interactions and the Luthor/Rufus-Bobby interaction. 

1 comment:

  1. hellcats...really?? =P

    and i enjoyed supernatural this week too. i love crowley, he's such an entertaining character. nothing's more fun than watching an episode about crotchety old men joking around =D

    and hawaii 5-0 is slowly dying in my eyes. i tend to watch it when i'm bored and just have it playing in the background.
