Tuesday, October 12, 2010

TV Shows 10/4-9

So not much updating happened last week. To try to keep things current, I'm going to put in a few lines about the various shows I watched last week.

Chuck (S4 Ep3): Past guest stars return! Nicole Richie and Steve Austin return to reprise their roles, this time Nicole Richie being a bitch who ends up teaming up with Team Bartowski for survival. Not the world's best episode of Chuck, but a solid showing from one of the most under-appreciated comedy spy series (Veronica Mars being the winner of that category).

Castle (S3 Ep3): A treasure map! A murder! An old crush! A priest! (not the same person as the old crush) This episode was awesome. I love this show so much, sometimes it's embarassing. Favorite moment of the episode: Beckett seemingly pours her heart out to her old crush on the phone, hangs up the phone, turns to Ryan and Esposito, and asks, "Did I keep him on long enough?" to which Ryan eloquently responds, "uhhhh..." in that perfect, awkward tone combined with a stunned expression with what he just overheard. Seriously, comedy gold.

Hawaii 5-O (S1 Ep3): I'm still trying hard to like this show. It has its high moments, but some of the dialogue is just so hard to get over. This episode tackled the ever serious topic of a gang war happening on the happy island, with a gambling mob twist. I'll probably keep watching it out of sheer hope and loyalty to my Asian race (I've never seen so many Asians cast as just plain, ol' side characters), but it's getting harder to stomach, mainly because of Steve McGarrett's holier-than-thou character. I need my characters flawed!

Undercovers (S1 Ep3): Speaking of needing flawed characters, this gorgeous couple is too perfect, both in looks, and in their marriage. Sure, they have the little squabble here and there during each episode, but it gets resolved so neatly, it's hard to believe. The episode revolved around technology, and the need to recover a device that is able to break the code to the CIA's database. This series is starting to be more fluff than serious spy business, but hey, at least they're pretty.

Nikita (S1 Ep5): See previous post for general review. This episode has guest star Devon Sawa (who is surprisingly hot...I didn't recognize him) playing Owen Elliot, who will apparently be back next week (yummy). One of Percy's infamous black box also makes an appearance, and I rather enjoyed Michael's reaction when Percy says to Nikita over the phone that he has her boyfriend (referring to Owen). Alex and Thom also have a moment that just makes Thom even more adorable than he already is.

Supernatural (S6 Ep3): Castiel is back! The strongest episode of the season so far, probably because of the return of said angel. No revisit of old baddies, and pretty much a standalone episode, this episode harkens back to the good old days of the first few seasons. Reasons to watch this episode: Sam, half naked, working out (Sssssss, I think the screen is burning up a little from the hotness); Castiel's line "[to Sam] Dean and I do share a more profound bond...[to Dean] I wasn't gonna mention it..."; the return of Metallicar and the destruction of Sam's poser car. Really, I hope the series continues in this vein, because this is the first episode I've enjoyed in a while.

So that's the summary of a few of last week's tv. Comment away, if you so choose...

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