Sunday, October 24, 2010

Nikita, Season 1, Episode 6 "Resistance"

Lots going on with tonight's episode. Alex gets tested - she has to interrogate a terrorist, but fails miserably and Michael has to save her, only - STORYLINE TWIST - it turns out it was all part of a bigger test, and she and Thom get taken on a bus where more terrorists (who turn out to be just more Division agents) "kidnap" Alex, where they pretend-torture Thom to get her to give up information. And it seems like Alex is gonna blow the whole cover story about Nikita, and then she KILLS the Division agent, escapes, and then Michael goes after her, and - ANOTHER STORYLINE TWIST - turns out it was a test for Michael as well and that Division agent? Didn't really die. But did Michael pass? I'm not too sure.

In other news, the guy Nikita kidnapped/saved/captured...escaped, leaving behind only a note saying "I have to do this on my own" - or something to that effect.

In more other news, Nikita just got a full season pickup! Everyone say WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!