Friday, December 17, 2010

Nikita, Season 1, Episode 10 and 11

SPOILER WARNING - lots of really juicy details that you don't want to spoil, so if you haven't seen the episodes yet, get ye to your computer and catch up at Jean, I'm looking at you.

Episode 10: Dark Matter

[Also known as the Episode Where Owen Returns, or the Episode Where We Meet Sexy CIA Agent Eric Fletcher.]

So sexy ex-Guardian Owen returns after he leaked the truth about an assassination to all the major evening news, and how it wasn't a car accident at all, but an inside US government job. The CIA is freaking out, and this really cute Superman-doppelganger CIA agent notes that it could be the work of some black-ops group. Yes, he's on to Division, and for that he must suffer. Percy decides to blame him for the asassination, but Nikita and Owen pretty awesomely rescue him. [True, I have no idea how they flew halfway around the planet in what seems like merely seconds - she was on the phone in her awesome loft one moment, and then in Santiago the next shooting bad guys. Ah, time travel, it exists on CW spy shows!] Anyways, the CIA agent survives. Nikita and Owen get away. And it looks like Nikita now has someone on the CIA side to help her bring down Division. Did I mention he's kinda hot? Is he the guy that they were casting as a love interest for Nikita? Or is this episode too soon for that? They definitely left the window open for him to return, even though if Division were smart, they would have killed him off.

Episode 11: All the Way

[also known as The Return (and End) of Thom]

Alex is being promoted to full-fledged AGENT if she completes her first KILL mission - which happens to be a very stereotypical mob boss kinda dude. And man, since you guys have all seen the episode, I'm just gonna jump in with the things that I need to vent about with you all.

1. Why did they need to kill off Thom? Couldn't Alex and Nikita have dragged him out of Division with them? He did take a rather LONG TIME to die, after all.
2. And another thing - aren't all agents equipped with awesome bulletproof vests? Unless Thom is The Worst Spy Ever*, he should have been wearing one, and thus would have avoided dying.
3. Seriously, why did he need to die??
4. How is Alex going to get out of Division now? Her way out is now sealed (per Percy's ominous voice-over), and she doesn't even have that 2-way voice-modulated chat thing with Nikita now.
5. I wish they had killed off Jaden instead. I know we need to have a villain in every series, but isn't Division and Percy villain enough?? Jaden is just so one-note.
6. How weird was that scene between Michael and Alex when he was showing her how to stab that potassium syringe into the larynx?
  • 6a. I would think that sticking potassium into the BLOODSTREAM would be better than the larynx. I mean, I dunno how that's gonna paralyze the vocal cords...but then again, I'm going into psychiatry. Amy - you're on surg, maybe you can explain this to me.
  • 6b. I wanted to laugh everytime Michael did the whole jab and "hush" move. Hahaha. I think it was supposed to be sexytimes, but it was just weird. Michael, your romantic interest is Nikita, not Alex.
7. Dude, is it believable that Thom was the mole? I feel like a smart man like Percy (and Birkhoff!) would have figured that out. Also, Jaden knows that the fingerprint thingy belonged to Alex, not Thom...sooooooooo.

Okay, discuss!

* Let's face it, we all know that The Worst Spy Ever award belongs to Sydney Bristow.


  1. well, i can answer one of the above questions. for question #4, alex is full fledged agent, so now she gets to live in the "outside world" and not in the division dungeons of training, hence the ability to communicate w/nikita.

    and i agree, why kill thom?!?!

  2. but then won't she have that implanted chip thingy that all agents have? nikita used it to track down where michael was that one time.

    alex should have just escaped with nikita. and dragged dying thom out with them, and resuscitated him. if you can kill someone by injecting K into their voicebox, then you can resuscitate thom.

  3. 1-4. I too <3 Thom and he was so cute and so sweet ... but he did kind of have to die. And he really was a fantastically crappy spy (I think Sydney edges out Thom by just a red-headed wig hair) But seriously, he gets majorly ass-kicked by Nikita just about every single time he's in the field AND he was being Mata Hari-ed by Alex while he's back at division. It was sad to lose him ... but now he's more fuel for Alex's vendetta against Division. I've grieved. Over it and I'm ready for some superhot new agent to drool over.
    5. Jaden should disappear off the show. She's a pain in the ass and I can't even pretend to like her.
    6a. As far as that stupid in the larynx injection thing, I can only see that causing some hoarseness or some coughing as it trickles down the throat... maybe. Who knows!? Consult ENT please!
    6b. Agree with the freaky Oedipus/mentor feel of Michael with Alex. Stop going in that direction!

    Now that all my shows are on hiatus ... I have no idea what to do with myself!! I'm thinking of Hulu-ing this season of Grey's. I hear its back to being good again. Recs?

  4. oh i've liked grey's so far. but be warned, you will get tired of cristina's ptsd-mopiness, but it's good. at least, it's realistic. i would sa that grey's is back to regular form (ie no ghost sex, and no cardioversion for wildlife).

    also, if you want more comedy stuff - the shows on my must watch list are modern family, cougar town, and himym. guaranteed laugh fest. ps i have a birthday gift for you based off of one of those shows. (also, i need your address. you too, lisa.)
