Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Glee, Season 2, Episode 8 - "Furt"

If you haven't seen this week's episode of Glee, go NOW. Here, I'll even make it easy for you and link it here. Go go go!

This week's Glee was back to the Glee that we all know and love. It actually had plot! Kurt is still getting intimidated by that giant football dude - so then Artie, Mike Chang (love him!), Sam, and possibly Puck?, go after Karofsky and tell him to back down. Then Burt notices what's going on and forces a parent meeting with Sue mediating, and then Karofsky is expelled. And then we have a Glee wedding, with Carole and Burt getting married. (And the BEST SCENES EVER!) Loved the dancing down the aisles, loved the songs, loved the speeches. Then Sue marries herself, in one of the strangest story plots ever. And then we find out that Karofsky was un-expelled because there was no firm evidence that he actually did anything to Kurt. And so the newlywed Hummels take their honeymoon money to send Kurt to Dalton - that awesome prep school with the awesome Blaine and the awesome glee group, hopefully setting up a multitude of awesome scenes between Blaine and Kurt. And by scenes, I mean songs.

Also loved the promise ring proposal. Sam's speech to Quinn was adorable, and I melted on the spot, so how is it that Quinn - a supposedly teenage girl with teenage angst - was able to turn him down with a "maybe"?? They're super cute together.

Finn - I take it back. You can sing. You can sing quite well. You have been redeemed in my eyes.

I adored this episode. More, please!

Next week - SECTIONALS!!!!!!!

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