Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Glee, Season 2 Episode 7 "The Substitute"

Gwyneth Paltrow!

Was not so bad right? I was entertained, but then again, I'm coming off of a terrible terrible interview day, so maybe I'm just easily amused today.

So anyways, here's what happened on Glee: There's some major crazy flu strain going around, and Sue sics the sick girl germs on Figgins and Mr. Schuester. Who both get crazy sick. Sue assumes the principal role, and Principal Sue bans tater tots, so in a strange subplot, Mercedes channels her best Napoleon Dynamite "I want my tots" impression. And we find out later she's substituting food for Kurt, who she's substituting for a boyfriend aka love. And that's no good. So now she's going to crush on some crazy good lookin' football player. And I can't help but wonder why they had to get rid of Shaft [did we ever learn his real name?].

Anyways, so Mr. Schue is gone, so Holly Holliday steps in to sub, and she does everything the kids want to do - from singing Top 40 songs (Cee-Lo in the house), to performing the Hot Honey Rag from Chicago with Rachel in full costume. The funniest bits were the kids flashing back to scenes with Mr. Schue only wanting to do Journey songs. No wait, I take it back. THE BEST PART was Mr. Schue seeing the kids in miniature. WHY WEREN'T THERE MORE SCENES OF THIS?? THE MINI-GLEEKS WERE SO CUTE!!!! Anyways, so Mr. Schuester comes back and wants to do Singing in the Rain, the kids are bummed because the song is like SO ANCIENT, so they mash it up with Umbrella to make it current, and cue The Most Expensive Auditorium In The World, because somehow McKinley High can afford a theater that doubles as a water tank, but it did make for a very pretty and entertaining last song.

And that's what you missed. On Glee! (ba ba ba BA!)

That "Make Them Laugh" number was super random. I mean, yay for using Harry Shum Jr. in more scenes, but Glee is starting to do a lot of dream sequences just to get in songs [see the Britney/Brittany episode], and this one didn't even really seem to make any sense. Come now - that's just creative laziness!

Also, given that it's Gwyneth Paltrow week, I'm surprised they didn't throw in a reference to Coldplay. Or her new country movie. Or apples.

So another "bonus" week with not that much plot development really. Still loving Blaine - did you hear they're making him a series regular? Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Did you hear that harry shum jr is also going to be a series regular?!?! So excited!
