Sunday, February 6, 2011

Glee, Season 2, "The Sue Sylvester Shuffle"

Glee's finally back!

Things to discuss:
1. California Gurls Cheerios routine, complete with flaming conebras and hula hoops.  There wasn't a whole lot of cheerleading going on there was there? It was just bike tricks and fire. Sue, if you're bored, maybe you should hire Sparky the choreographer from Bring It On - he'll give you jazz hands and a far more entertaining routine than a flying cheerleader cannon can. I mean, cannon is just one letter off from canNOT.
2. Thriller/Heads Will Roll mashup! I personally loved it. I'm sure some people will hate that they messed with a Michael Jackson classic, but I think it was great! I just made it my ring tone! So now when y'all call, my phone will start screaming "heads will roll" - thanks Santana.
3. She's Not There - this was probably the only song that WASN'T teased before-hand, and I gotta say, it was good!
4. Need You Now - love this song, and I think Puck sounds great dueting.  More, please! Also, loved Coach Beiste singing along - she's just a girl standing in front of a guy asking him to kiss her, after all.
5. Bills, Bills, Bills - so random, right? There was absolutely no need for this scene, but at the same time, I really liked it. How did they get someone to sing that ting-y ting ting thing so high? Crazy acapella.
6. Finn and Quinn? Again? What did you all think of the kiss??
7. Oh yeah, the actual football game. I wish Tina had made that touchdown, and laughed out loud during the following interaction:
Are you ready for this?


So cute. So Rachel Berry. 
8. Am loving the addition of the new wrestling girl. She and Brittany are fighting it out for funniest lines.

ANOTHER EPISODE ON TUESDAY! Amazing.  And it's the Valentine's Day episode!

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